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OliveTin exposes a webpage with buttons that execute shell command (eg. docker, scripts) on the server and allow others for easy access. It should be used internally only.

Main Interface

Log Interface


Download the correct file from this site. OliveTin_linux_amd64.deb

Go to the directory and install the package.

  • if a previous config.yaml is already present, installer will ask what to do, the default is to keep the previous config
    sudo dpkg -i OliveTin…​deb
    sudo systemctl enable --now OliveTin


sudo dpkg -r OliveTin # the installed app name, not the deb file


The configuration file is located at /etc/OliveTin/config.yaml

Script Execution User

By default, OliveTin always execute script as root!! This have complications. With an example script that echo some location, create a file in/opt dir owned by user 1000 and cd into ~/Downloads user 1000’s download dir.


line 7: cd: /root/Downloads: No such file or directory
The file created by the script is owned by root and not editable in VSCode or other editor unless using sudo

as user 1000

The file created by the script is owned by user and can be freely edited.

Run command as user user sudo -u user /path/to/script.

  • ~ path works as intended
  • all files created and modified will be owned by user not root
  • bashrc variables do not work, to use environment variables, it must be sourced elsewhere
  • by default, the script has a $PWD at /root, so relative path do not work regarding files

Example Configuration

listenAddressSingleHTTPFrontend: # set the port to 1378

# Choose from INFO (default), WARN and DEBUG
logLevel: "INFO"


- title: Update Music
  shell: /home/karis/scripts/script
  icon: '&#127925'
  timeout: 2
  hidden: true

Configuration consists of list of actions, each action consist of title, shell, icon

  • timeout is also optional, the task will be killed if it takes longer (in seconds) to complete
  • hidden will hide it from dashboard
    • to unhide, a service restart is needed
  • maxConcurrent optional, only allow x runs for the duration of the execution, any more will be blocked
  • rateLimit more advance limiting
    • to clear a rate limit, OliveTin has to be restarted
            - limit: 3
              duration: 5m


Textbox Input
- title: Restart a Docker CT
  icon: '<img src = "icons/restart.png" width="48px" />'
  shell: docker restart {{ container }}
    - name: container
      type: ascii
  • use {{ }} and give a variable
  • under arguments type, assign a type for it, ascii only allows letters and numbers

- title: Manage Docker Stack Services
  icon: "&#128736;"
  shell: docker-compose -f /home/karis/docker/bookstack/docker-compose.yml {{ action }}
    - name: action
        - title: Start Stack
          value: up -d
        - title: Stop Stack
          value: down

This example give choices to start or stop a docker stack of a docker-compose file. If a argument is given the parameter choices, it will be in dropdown mode.


Suggestion is a hybrid between dropdown and textbox. It will suggest the list of possible items in browser but do not restrict choices.

    - name: action
      title: Action Name
        - value: Information

  • value is what is passed onto the shell and Information is a text display for clarification

    After modifying configuration, it require a restart to clear out previous suggestions for browsers.
Execute on files created in a directory

- title: Update Songs
  icon: <iconify-icon icon="mdi:music"></iconify-icon>
  shell: /home/test/scripts/ {{ filepath }}
    - name: filepath
      type: unicode_identifier
    - /home/test/Downloads/
    - /another/folder

Whenever a new file is created the action will execute.

  • execOnFileCreatedInDir
    • it is possible to add multiple path to monitor; however, adding a path require a restart of OliveTin service
  • same principle as Arguments, whereas OliveTin provides predefined arguments for files. filepath is the full absolute path of the file that is created

Execution Feedback

- title: some action
  popupOnstart: default, execution-dialog-stdout-only, execution-dialog, execution-button
default stdout-only dialog button
  • popup dialog have an option to only show stdout or show full log output with exit code
  • button will show how long the process take
  • the design of popup box may not be easy to close, use the keyboard ++Esc++ key to close

It is possible to have a confirmation before completing action.


    - type: confirmation
      title: Click start to begin.

  • user must click a checkbox and then start before the action will execute
  • API do not have such restrictions
SSH to Another Server

Since OliveTin by default runs command as root, it is necessary to copy the SSH config file and all the keys from a user’s folder into /root/.ssh

  • if the permission is setup correctly for a user, the permissions will copy over

On the first try, need to have this option when using SSH command -o StrictHostChecking=no and on the subsequent logins, ssh via ssh configs will work as normal.


Icon Default Location Change

The icon is now moved from /var/www/olivetin to the configuration directory which by default is at /etc/Olivetin and followed by custom-webui/icons, if these are not moved, the images will break.

The icons need to be placed in a folder in /etc/Olivetin/custom-webui/icons/icon.png To use the icons, offline image or web address, it should be in HTML format. The size of 48px is the default size of OliveTin icons. Other CSS options such as style="background-color: white;" also works.

icon: '<img src = "custom-webui/icons/minecraft.png" size="48px" />'

Icon with emoji, to use emoji, need to use the html code.
For example, &#9786; 😊.
icon: "&#9786;"

For documentation purpose, the customs icons are in a OliveTin Custom.psd files


Olivetin only support iconify icons. To use it, search for an icon, under components select Iconify Icon

Add the pasted line into the configuration.

  - title: Title
    icon: <iconify-icon icon="openmoji:jellyfin"></iconify-icon>

Icon Management

The default icon folder is /var/www/olivetin/icons
The icon folder of all homelab icons is in ~/icons/homelab


Simple action button.

curl -X POST "http://mediaserver:1378/api/StartAction" -d '{"actionId": "Update Music"}'

Action with Arguments.
curl -X POST 'http://mediaserver:1378/api/StartAction' -d '{"actionId": "Rename Movies", "arguments": [{"name": "location", "value": "value"}]}'

Arguments variable cannot be “path”

If path is used as argument, when executing commands with arguments, it will replace the system $PATH variable, this will render most commands useless even basic ones like sleep, date etc. Use another variable such as directory or location

Newest Olivetin Version Break Old API Method

The actionName key is deprecated and no longer works, newest Olivetin API only allow actionId for StartAction API endpoint. The scripts above are adjusted accordingly. To migrate, the easiest way it to create a ID in configuration that has the same value as action name.

- title: action name
- id: action name


Dashboard are a separate page from the default OliveTin page, Fieldsets and Folders are allowed to group actions only in dashboard.

  • when an action is in dashboards, it does not appear in main view.
  • when refreshing the page, it will always go back to main view even if the page is currently at a dashboard
      - title: My Dashboard
          - title: Title Desc
            type: fieldset
              - title: Fix Epic Games
              - title: Restart Minecraft
          - title: Update Metadata
            type: fieldset
              - title: Stuff
                icon: '<img src = "icons/mcrestart.png" width="64px" />'
                   - title: Update Songs


Fieldsets are group of actions under a title. Any title that has type: fieldset defined is a fieldset, any actions are grouped under contents key and need to have matching title.


Folders also group actions together in a dashboard and user need to click into the folder to see the actions.

  • it is possible to use custom icons or title for folders as long as type: is not set and it has contents:


To use entities, an action, a dashboard entry, entities json/yaml file and entity update method is needed (when the action interact with the entity).

Preview of Entities Flowchart


It’s possible to use json or YAML

  - file: /etc/OliveTin/entities/containers.json
    name: container

  • entities file are stored in /etc/OliveTin/entities
  • the name of the entity will be reference as container.attributes in configuration

entity update

- title: Update container entity file
  shell: 'docker ps -a --format "{{ json . }}" > /etc/OliveTin/entities/entity.json
  hidden: true
  execOnStartup: true
  execOnCron: '*/5 * * * *'
  • this is an action that is trigger by other actions that need to modify the entity, the purpose is to update the entity file


- title: Check {{ container.Names }} Status
  shell: echo {{ container.Status }}
  entity: container
  trigger: Update container entity file

The entity action is defined the same way as other actions.

  • entity need to be defined
  • trigger automatically update entity attributes (since executing this actions could change some attribute of an entity like starting a container)
  • both title and shell can use entity.attributes


 - title: CPanel
      - title: 'Container {{ container.Names }} ({{ container.Image }})'
        entity: container
        type: fieldset
          - type: display
            title: |
              {{ container.Status }} <br /><br /><strong>{{ container.State }}<>
          - title: 'Check {{ container.Names }} Status'

  • dashboard is the same configuration as in previous but now is able to utilize entities.
