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Debian-Based Server Setup

Run update and upgrade distro first. Install NTP package is there are errors with that. Reboot

Setup powertop and powersaving features

sudo apt install powertop
powertop --auto-tune

Powersave governor and at reboot. Remember to run the command again

@reboot echo "powersave" | tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor >/dev/null 2>&1

Ensure these packages are installed

powertop htop iotop fio curl gnupg wget ntfs-3g neofetch ca-certificates lsb-release hdparm hd-idle openssh-server at autojump screen bash-completion
  • after installing bash-completion, need to source .bashrc for Docker autocomplete to work


lsblk and blkid to get the ntfs hard drive /dev name and the /dev/by-uuid/…

Edit the fstab to mount the drive, same entry for nvme drive

UUID=CC34294F34293E38 /mnt/data ntfs-3g 0 0

If the mounted device is HDD array, need to spindown disk with hdparm

hdparm -B 120 /dev/sdb # set the APM level
hdparm -S 241 /dev/sdb

For the -S spindown, 0-240 is multiple of 5s, 241-255 is multiple of 30 min. The above command set spindown every 30min.

If hdparm does not work, hd-idle can be used. Edit the file in /etc/defaults/hd-idle

-i 60 -a disk/by-uuid/xxx -l /var/log/hd-idle.log

Sudo without password, go to visudo and add the lines to the bottom, replace $USER with the actual username.


Edit shortcuts in bashrc

source .bashrc

OpenSSH with Keys


Generate the key using the terminal

  • give a location to put the key pair
  • this generate a public (.pub) and private key pair
ssh-copy-id -i username@server
  • is the public key that was generated

The key is ready to use for authorization.

Generate keys using PuTTY software

  1. Copy the red part and use nano to add it in the server ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  2. Make sure permissions are correct
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh
    chmod 700 ~/.ssh
    chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Save private key as ppk file on the root ssh folder.
  4. If the client with private key is Linux machine, need to change the permission of the private key.

    chmod 600 private.key
  5. Convert the private key Conversion > Export OpenSSH Keys and save the file to a folder OpenSSH Keys

SSH Config

Configuration file for easy SSH access. The permission for that file is 644.

Host server
  User ubuntu
  IdentityFile ~/keys/server.key

Use with OliveTin

To have seamless ssh experience with OliveTin, make sure to copy the ssh config file and all the keys to /root, since in OliveTin ~ means /root not your user home directory.

Setting Up SMB

Refer to Samba(SMB) Setup to setup SMB server.


The bashrc will contain server specific variable and functions.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

Bashrc can also link to bash_aliases for more alias. Installing additional software may require bashrc changes, eg. ffsubsync, autojump
To have a consistent experience even when using SSH, ensure these lines are removed from bashrc. However, contents of bash_aliases and aliases will not be loaded, only variables.
case $- in
    *i*) ;;
      *) return;;

Desktop Environment Setup


The location of firefox profile is at /home/$USER/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default

Make a tarball and copy it and extract it in destination.

In the profile folder, look for compatibility.ini, go to a random profile in the dest machine and copy the compatibility.ini settings to the one that is copied over. This ensure compatibility so that the new profile works without warning.

Check the profile.ini with the name and the location of the new profile folder, firefox should be the same as before.



To backup/restore settings of cinnamon


The icons are located at these locations.



Copy the scripts and put it into ~/script for organization and copy the old crontab for executing these scripts.
