Epic Games Free Games¶
Buy Free Games from Epic Games
Email: email address
Password: password
Webhook URL: make a discord channel and click settings. Go to integrations, then webhook, copy webhook URL.
mentioned Users: right click your profile, and click Copy ID
- Go here to login. https://www.epicgames.com/account/password Login with Epic Games account.
- Click “enable authenticator app.”
- In the section labeled “manual entry key,” copy the key.
- Use your authenticator app to add scan the QR code.
- Activate 2FA by completing the form and clicking activate.
- Once 2FA is enabled, use the key you copied as the value for the TOTP parameter.
docker run -d -v /home/karis/docker/epicgames:/usr/app/config:rw -p 3000:3000 -m 2g --name epicgames --restart unless-stopped charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames:latest
Change the name of the container to a friendly name. Restart unless stopped so it restart automatically.
Copy and Paste
The default json configuration is located at /home/karis/docker/epicgames or $HOME/docker/epicgames.
Fix Login Issue Using Cookies
- Visit this site and make sure it’s logged in.
- Install this extension EditThisCookie https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/editthiscookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg/related
- Open the extension and change the url to epicgames.com/id as in screenshot below
- Export the cookie
- Go to $HOME/docker/epicgames and create a new file email@gmail.com-cookies.json
- If the json file is already there, truncate it with –size 0
- Paste the cookie value to the json file
- Restart container.
docker pull charlocharlie/epicgames-freegames:latest
docker rm -f epicgames
docker images | grep epicgames
# use docker rmi to remote the corresponding image
# re run the epicgames docker run command