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Dynamic DNS Updater Docker

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This is a docker container that automatically updates the public IPv4 address of the server every 5 minutes to dynamic DNS services Dynu and DuckDNS. It is the fork of Linuxserver DuckDNS container.

Docker Compose

        image: vttc08/docker-duckdns-dynu:latest
        container_name: duckdns
        env_file: ddns.env

          - TZ=America/Vancouver
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1001
        restart: unless-stopped

These need to be filled in the ddns.env

DYNU_HOST= # full name of dynu domains
DYNU_PASS= # md5 hashed dynu login pass
SUBDOMAINS= # DuckDNS domains without the part
TOKEN= # DuckDNS token 

  • token will be visible in DuckDNS dashboard
  • Dynu pass is the same as login; alternatively, it is possible to create a dedicated password just for IP update
    MD5 generator
    echo -n "password" | md5sum
  • when setting the IP to in Dynu update API, dynu will automatically update the IP address to the IP address making that request

Other Usage

docker restart duckdns will manually run IP update
docker exec -it duckdns /app/ or other scripts, debug script will print out IP address of subdomains resolved by Cloudflare
